Die Rol van die Algemene Praktisyn/ - Huisarts in die Handhawing van 'n Gesonde Omgewing
Physician, Family, Health Education, Ecology, Environment
The Rio de Janeiro earth summit placed new emphasis on the ecological crisis. Some researchers predict that there is about 8 years left before a totality irreversible systems collapse of the earth will occur, unless timely action is taken. This paper summarises the current global and South African status of the ecological crisis, as well as the immediate and future health effects ensuing from it. Both the general and the occupational environment are addressed. As a well informed and respected member of any community, the family physician has a crucial role to play in protecting the environment. Ways of doing this include; active involvement in environmental health matters in a given community; involvement in occupational health at employing institutions, involvement in the development of communities ; sensitivity to environmental causes of ill health and environmental friendly medical practice.
Review Articles
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