Combination therapy in hypertension

  • Brian Rayner University of Cape
Keywords: blood pressure, uncontrolled blood pressure, combination therapy, ACE inhibitors, RAAS, ARBs, CCBs, beta blockers, diuretics, drug induced diabetes mellitus


Hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for death, heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, stroke and chronic kidney disease. Treatment of hypertension, particularly to goal blood pressure (BP), prevents these complications. In South Africa the reported control rates for treated hypertensives using a goal BP <140/90 mm Hg is about 40%. Control of hypertension remains an elusive goal. The reasons for this are complex, but doctor inertia is emerging as an important barrier to better control rates.

Author Biography

Brian Rayner, University of Cape
Executive member Southern African Hypertension Society