Predicting Short-term Risk of Stroke After TIA

  • MH Ebell


What is the short-term (seven days) risk of stroke after transient ischemic attack (TIA)? Evidence Summary Five to 10 percent of patients presenting with TIA will have a stroke within the following week.1-3 Because guidelines do not mandate hospitalization for patients who have had a TIA or suspected TIA,4,5 validated clinical prediction rules may be used to identify patients who should definitely be hospitalized for expedited evaluation and patients for whom outpatient evaluation is a reasonable option. SA Fam Pract 2006;48(9): 19 Permission from the AAFP was granted to publish this article in the hardcopy only. Kindly refer to or subscribe to the hardcopy of South African Family Practice.

Author Biography

MH Ebell
MD, MS Athens, Georgia