The experience of the Bela Bela HIV prevention group with the roll out of Antiretroviral therapy at the Primary Health Care level

  • N O Ndjeka
  • C Manhaeve


The use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been shown to have significantly improved morbidity; mortality and prognosis of AIDS related conditions. HIV/AIDS has become a chronic manageable condition in the developed world yet in most parts of the developing world HIV patients do not have access to antiretroviral therapy. There is evidence, mainly from the Western Cape and Gauteng, that ART can work at the PHC level, however there is no literature about it from less resourced provinces like Limpopo.

Author Biographies

N O Ndjeka
MD (Kin), DHSM (Wits), M Med (Family Medicine)
C Manhaeve
Diploma in Commerce & Finance, Diploma Advanced Counselling (UNISA)
Review Articles