Focus on: Orphenadrine citrate as a muscle relaxant

  • L Steyn Amayeza Info Services
Keywords: Orphenadrine citrate, muscle relaxant


The term “skeletal muscle relaxants” represents a broad group of drugs that are structurally and pharmacologically diverse.1

Skeletal muscle relaxants are used to treat both spasticity and local musculoskeletal spasms.1 These two conditions differ in their aetiology, with spasticity originating centrally more as a result of a motor neuron disorder, while local musculoskeletal spasms occur peripherally and more as a result of trauma or muscle strain.1 For this reason, centrally-acting (e.g. baclofen) and peripherally-acting skeletal muscle relaxants (e.g. orphenadrine, cyclobenzaprine) cannot be used interchangeably. Orphenadrine is used to relieve musculoskeletal spasm originating from painful peripheral musculoskeletal conditions.1

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