The cost of not covering payment of treatment for Depressive Disorders

  • Hermann Reuter Medpharm Publications


In 2016 I was diagnosed with major recurrent depressive disorder (F33.2). I used Citalopram and various evidence based nonpharmacological treatments (psycho-therapy, mindfulness, exercise and an eating plan reducing my weight from 88kg [BMI = 27.8] to 78 kg [BMI = 24.6]). However my symptoms continued unabatedly, especially insomnia, daily suicidal thinking, poor concentration and decision making. Changing treatment to agomelatine (Valdoxan®) was equally unsuccessful. In mid-2017 I then changed to bupropion (Wellbutrin®) and a low dose of amitriptyline (12.5 mg) with marked improvement within 48 hours. Within a week I had positive thoughts, slept well and my cognition was back to normal.
Letters to the editor