National Health Insurance (NHI): Funding is an issue!
On 10 December 2015, South Africa’s Health Minister Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, released the long awaited National Health Insurance (NHI) White Paper (version 40) providing the background and justification of the country’s moves to join other countries like Brazil, United Kingdom and Thailand in introducing universal healthcare coverage. The document explains that healthcare in South Africa is comprised of a two-tiered system divided along socio-economic lines. The private medical aid sector comprising of 83 medical aid schemes that fund healthcare services for about 16 percent of the population. The paper noted that spending through medical schemes in South Africa is the highest in the world and is six times higher than in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The White Paper clearly states that the NHI will deliver a comprehensive package of health services that include services such as rehabilitation and palliative care, mental health care including that related to substance abuse and maternal and child health care.1
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