Urinary tract infections in women

  • Jacky Van Schoor
Keywords: urinary tract infection, cystitis, pyelonephritis, antimicrobial agents, resistance


Symptoms suggestive of acute urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common reasons why women consult a health professional. Antimicrobial agents are usually prescribed for the treatment of symptomatic UTIs seen in clinical practice. However, the extensive use of antimicrobial agents for community-acquired UTIs has resulted in the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Increasing concern about the association between the use of antimicrobial agents and acquired antimicrobial resistance has highlighted the need for rational pharmacotherapy when treating UTIs. This article discusses currently recommended antimicrobial therapy for uncomplicated UTIs in women, UTIs during pregnancy and recurrent UTIs.

Author Biography

Jacky Van Schoor
Amayeza Info Centre
Review Articles