Prescribing infant formula to allergic babies

  • Martani J Lombard Stellenbosch University
  • Evette Van Niekerk Stellenbosch University
  • Irene Labuschagne Stellenbosch University
Keywords: infant formula, allergy, soy, hydrolysed infant formula, elemental infant formula


Exclusive breastfeeding and postponement of complementary foods to four to six months of age are recommended for the prevention of food allergies. However, many infants receive formula milk for a number of reasons. Various types of formula are indicated to prevent or treat allergy and food intolerance.

Author Biographies

Martani J Lombard, Stellenbosch University
Nutrition Information Centre Stellenbosch University NICUS Manager / Registered Dietician Division of Human Nutrition Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Stellenbosch University
Evette Van Niekerk, Stellenbosch University
Lecturer Division of Human Nutrition Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Stellenbosch University
Irene Labuschagne, Stellenbosch University
Nutrition Information Centre Stellenbosch University Principle Dietician Division of Human Nutrition Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Stellenbosch University