Phenytoin intoxication: A case presentation

  • Dr G J H Roux Medunsa


A case history of a patient with Phenytoin toxidity on an "average adult dosage, 'rs presented, and the possible reasons are discussed. The pharmacokinetic variability demonstrated by Phenytoin, due to variations in its absorption and metabolism, leading to a variation in serum concentration for a specific dosage, is outlined. Its variable end-organ effect for a specific serum concentration (pharmakodynamic variability), is also mentioned, as well as the effect of drugs and diseases no these two variables. The importance of monitoring serum concentrations in problem cases, and of single drug therapy, is discussed, and few side-effects, including the "acute cerebellar syndrome", are mentioned. A regime for treatment to minimise side effects is suggested.

Author Biography

Dr G J H Roux, Medunsa
Dept of Family Medicine
Case studies