Measuring and managing Protein Energy Malnutrition in Rural Communities

  • Dr M Bac Gelukspan Community Hospital


1. Measurements to detect PEM Nutritional deficiency diseases constitute a major proportion of ailments seen in the practice of medicine in developing countries. In 1979 at the Gelukspan Community Hospital, three leading causes of child mortality were found. The most important causes were malnutrition (4O7"), gastro-enteritis (3O%) and chest infections (157"1 for children who died in the hospital. It was noticed that the majority of the children who died of gastro-enteritis or chest infections were underweight. In this study the following subjects will be discussed in six articles: (1) anthropometric measurements to detect protein energy malnutrition (P.E.M.) (2) possible factors contributing to the development of P.E.M. (3) results of a nutrition survey in the Gelukspan district in 198O. (4) intervention programmes (5)results after 18 months intervention programme in Gelukspan district (1982) (6) follow-up of 998 children with P.E.M. Suggestions will be made regarding the improvement of nutritional status of pre-school children.
Original Research