Measuring and Managing protein energy malnutrition in rural communities. 6 The follow up

  • Dr Martin Bac Gelukspan Community Hospital
Keywords: Nutrition, Infants, Developing Countries, Helath Education, Malnutrition


In July, August and September 1980, the mobile under five clinic ('feeding team') screened 11 411 children under the age of six years in the Gelukspan district (88% of pre-school children). Of the screened children under six years of age, 998 (8,970)were put on food supplements because they were malnourished. A child was malnourished when the weight for age was less than 80% of the Harvard reference weight for age for children 0 - 11 months old. Children of 12 months and older were only given supplements when their mid-upper arm circumference was less than 13,5 cm 28.

Author Biography

Dr Martin Bac, Gelukspan Community Hospital
BAC (Arts)
Original Research