Benzodiazepine therapy - A global approach to the problems- II

  • Dr Matt Haus Red Cross War Memorial Childrens' Hospital
Keywords: drug theraphy, benzodiazepine, drug dependence, physician-patient relations, family practice


In this 3-part article the author gives his observation of the good usage but also of the abuse of benzodiazepines as he experienced it in private family practice. He describes the prescribing habits of the doctor, the personality profile of the patient, the effects of the drug and the interrelationship between these. The paradox between the expected effect of benzodiazepine and the actual results, is well illustrated. In Part I(June 1984), he shows that a thorough working knowledge of various pharmacokinetic and clinical parameters of the benzodiazepirw derivatives is essential for efficient benzodiazepine therapy. In part II, he focuses on the prescribing doctor and his problems in deciding to commit his patient to the benzodiazepine alternative. In Part III, he describes the different types of patients, how they become part of the vicious cycle of this therapy and concludes wilh a few positive suggestions.
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