Health Care in a Free Enterprise System

  • Dr Frank Dornfest University of California
Keywords: Health Care Delivery, United States, Family Practice


The free enterprise system has brought tremendous benefits, but great difficulty. The American Health Care is like a gifted child: it has the intellectual capacity without the commensurate emotional development to use wisdom in its application of technology. It has led to a shift in focus from human experience of illness to various technologic facts of disease. What the patient tells has diminished in intensity and necessity. We seem to have a great deal of difficulty raking seriously any human suffering that cannot be directly related to an anatomic or pathophysiologic derangement. There is a fervent belief in the Powers of the great god, Science which has led the public to demand from its doctors and their, machines what they once asked only of their gods.

Author Biography

Dr Frank Dornfest, University of California
MBChB, MFGP Director,Family Practice Residency Program, Department of Family and Community Medicine