Back to Medical School
In order to distract myself from the middle life flushes, I have returned part time to medical school to test the patience and endurance threshold levels of the lecturers. I was fairly apprehensive about going back to school on account of my reduced attention span and the fact that I have always been prone to daydreaming. I think it started in Standard 1. I must have been about seven years old at the time. One day of that year is with me forever. The master concerned was Mr Hall. I forget which subject, if any, he taught as I was so frightened of him, I seldom understood a word he was saying despite him speaking in the same language as myself, namely English. It was a hot summer's day and I had been staring out of the class window at the rolling hills of the Cotswolds, engaging myself in some langourous day dreams. I was probably thinking about a swim in the pool after the lesson or a visit to the tuck shop when I was interrupted by a thunderbolt of a voice.
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