The Heartsink or Difficult Patient

  • Dr RE Kirkby
Keywords: Iatrogenic Disease, Physician- Patient Relations, Patient Participation, Attitutde to Health, Psvchosomatic Disorders


Problem patients or Heartsink patients are increasing at an alarming rate. They suffer significant morbidity and mortality in addition to great expense in medical services and technology. The increase of heartsink patients is due to the emergence of the POLTIMI SYNDROME - the process that occurs when doctors make patients ill. POLTIMI: Problems O f L iving T urned, I nto M edical I llness These patients are placed, at risk when exposed to the inappropriate use of technology by an inappropriately trained non- discerning doctor. Characteristics of these patients are described with a classification of the different types that occur. A prevention strategy as well as a practical management plan is presented to help deal with the problem.

Author Biography

Dr RE Kirkby
MBChB, DA, BSc (Pharmacol), MPraxMed; MFGP
Original Research