The Use of Isihlambezo in the Upper Tugela Region

  • Dr Gary Morris Emmaus Hospital
  • Miss BE Mdlalose Emmaus Hospital
Keywords: Pregnancy, Etl'rnic Groups, Zult, Plants, medicinal, toxic.


An observational study was done to investigate the use of isihlambezo (a decoction of different herbal roots and rhizomes) in the Upper Tugela Region of Natal. A high proportion (75,4%) of patients delivering at clinics use isihlambezo. Most people used the mixture to ensure a quick or good delivery (26,2%) and it was used with equal frequency by multigravida and primigravida. Oral and rectal routes of administration were used most commonly. The link between growth retardation and prematurity and the use of isishlambezo needs further investigation with a larger sample.
Original Research