Social Responsibility of Individual Practitioner Assosciations (IPAs)

  • Dr Neethia Naidoo


New directions in the delivery of health care has resulted from the introduction of Managed Health Care in South Africa. The objectives are to provide high quality care for all the people and to provide this care cost-effectively and efficiently, especially to that part of the population which lacks the means to belong to Medical Aid Schemes or the means to afford expensive health care. This has been in response to rapidly increasing health care costs which has been rising considerably faster than overall economic growth and other demographic, political and technological factors. Recently, legislative changes have allowed new systems to develop. Individual Practitioner Associations (IPAs) have now formed as a result of the perceived threat of Health Maintenance Organisations being in direct competition with private medical practices. This could serve not only to maintain their independence, their individual practices but to expand and protect their patient base and their incomes.