Headache: Relief is possible

  • lna Diener University of Western Cape
Keywords: Headache, Neck, Ceruical vertebrae, Manipulation, orthopaedic, Physiotherapy, Physicians, family


The generally accepted classification of headaches does not give much room for headaches of cervical origin, but the orthopedic manipulative therapists have experienced the opposite, and found that gentle mobilisation of the joints of the upper cervical spine does help for up to 85o/o of their patients. The relevant clinical features, anatomy and physiology are described, and clinical experiments are quoted, to support their practical experience. GPs are reminded that physiotherapists have much to offer to help with headache patients especially as they approach the problem from a different angle, and other causes of headaches can thus be excluded timeous.

Author Biography

lna Diener, University of Western Cape
BSc Physiotherapy (Stellenbosch) Part-time lecturer
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