Management of the Insulin Dependant Diabetic - A holistic, team-based approach

  • P Rheeder University of Pretoria


Diabetes implies lifelong disease with virtually all patients having complications after ten years. Prevention and reduction of severity of complications require optimal glycaemic control. The patient with diabetes should not just be regarded as an elevated blood glucose level but multi system involvement necessitates a holistic team-based approach. As mentioned in a previous article on the patient with NIDDM (see SAFP Vol. 18 No. 3, May 1997), patient education to enable self management of the disease is mandatory. Compliance is only possible once the patient has a minimum understanding of the disease and its management.

Author Biography

P Rheeder, University of Pretoria
(MMed) (Int), FCP SA, Mk (Clinical Epidemiology), Dept of Internal Medicine
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