Alleged medical misconduct - Who is the patient's advocate?

  • Prof. Gboyego A Ogunbanjo Medunsa
  • Dr Donna Knapp van Bogaert Medunsa


This is the next in a series of columns, which will appear in future editions.The authors will use the format of a "case study" which will be presented and then be discussed by two doctors (A and B) over a well earned coffee break in their tea-lounge.The authors hope that their exploration of the ethical issues involved in each situation may provoke you, the reader, into thinking more about the ethical issues inherent in everyday Family Practice. If you would like to pursue any of the issues in more depth, please drop a line to the editor.

Author Biographies

Prof. Gboyego A Ogunbanjo, Medunsa
MBBS, MFGP (SA), M Fam Med Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care
Dr Donna Knapp van Bogaert, Medunsa
MA, MBA, M. Phil Applied Ethics (Biomedical & Business) (Stell) Department of Anat Path
Review Articles