Family Medicine Theory in Action: No 5. The Family Life Cycle: Its Use in Glinical Practice

  • Sparks Bruce University of Witwatersrand
  • Anne Wright University of Witwatersrand


Theories in Action 1 - A regular column that explores core concepts of our discipline using actual patient problems as triggers for discussion. Presented by Professor Bruce Sparks and Dr Anne Wright from the Department of Family Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand. The patient... Mrs Anne Coleman, who has been a patient of the Johannesburg practice for many years, consults late one Friday afternoon. She is deeply concerned about her 17 year-old son Peter. He is living with his father and sister Susan, ever since Anne's divorce 6 years ago from their father Robert. Their oldest son, Justin is a student at Port Elizabeth University. A basic genogram drawn with Anne's help reveals a full history of the family relationships. (Figure l)
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