The Hand Patient: Dupuytren's Contracture

  • U Mennen Medunsa


RE:YOUR PATIENT WITH HARD NODULES IN BOTH HANDS REFERS. Thank you for the referral of Mr D C, a 61-year-old right handed executive manager who complains of hard nodules in both his palms, which have been present for the past two years. He has noticed that the small finger on the right hand started to flex about six months ago. This is annoying in his everyday work and becomes embarrassing when he greets people. He also has difficulty in putting his hand into his pocket and washing his face. He does not have any pain in the hands. History into previous injuries or disease does not reveal anything of note.

Author Biography

U Mennen, Medunsa
MBChB, FRCS (Glasg), FRCS (Edin), FCS (SA) Orth., MMed (Orth), MD (Ort) Pret Head: Department Hand- and Microsurgery
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