CPD - Caring for Patients and their Disorders

  • Dr Roy Jobson Medunsa


Johannes, our HIV-infected patient (see February-March,April-May,June-'July 2001 editions of CPD) is now 36 years old. He has been on HAART (triple therapy) for over five years. Three years ago he had a myocardial infarct from which he almost did not recover, as he had fairly extensive cardiac damage. Fortunately he was attended to within minutes of the incident and survived. The irony is that he had managed, with your encouragement,to completely stop smoking four years before this incident, and he had been following a moderate exercise programme. He does not have a family history of coronary artery disease.

Author Biography

Dr Roy Jobson, Medunsa
MBChB(UCT),MPraxMed(Medunsa), HDipEdAd(Wits) Senior Family Physician/Clinical Pharmacologist, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics