Whistleblowing: Is it morally or ethically justifiable?

  • Prof. Gboyego A Ogunbanjo Medunsa
  • Dr Donna Knapp van Bogaert Medunsa


Dr.A: lf someone else's actions clearly and substantial affect others (either benefiting or harming them) then even if we are not certain whether the actions are right or wrong, we can agree that they should be evaluated morally. Let's take a look at "Whistleblowing". Dr. B: First, let's get a clear idea about what whistleblowing is.

Author Biographies

Prof. Gboyego A Ogunbanjo, Medunsa
MBBS, MFGP(SA), M Fam Med (Medunsa), FACRRM Dept. of Family Medicine & Primary Health Care
Dr Donna Knapp van Bogaert, Medunsa
MA, MBA, M. PHIL Applied Ethics (Biomedical & Business,) (Stell) Department of Anat Path, Medical University of Southern Africa
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