A Facet of Practice: "The Use of the Force"

  • Dr Roy Jobson


Dr William Carlos Williams opens this story with a brief description of how he was called to see the daughter of new patients. He continues as follows: The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes, and no expression to her face whatever. She did not move and seemed inwardly, quiet. But her face was flushed, she was breathing rapidly, and I realised that she had a high fever. She's had a fever for three days, began the father and we don't know what it comes from. My wife has given her things, you know like people do, but it don't do no good. And there's been a lot of sickness around. So we thot youA bener look her over and tell us what is the matter.

Author Biography

Dr Roy Jobson
MBChB(UCT),MPraxMed(Medunsa), HDipEdAd(Wits) Senior Family Physician/Clinical Pharmacologist, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics