Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis: A moral dilemma
Dr.A: I need your help. lt is a conundrum that looks like it is unsolvable. Dr. B: Let's open the debate.What's it about? Dr.A: Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDRTB). MDR TB is a global problem, but this case is from South Africa in particular. There is a TB hospital in a province that manages both TB and MDR TB patients. They have a dedicated support service and such a dynamic education programme that all their patients are aware of the threat and consequences of acquiring MDR TB.The problem is that all the beds in the MDR TB word are full. It is not possibly/e because of the threat of further contamination to discharge any of these patients and there is not enough physical space to put in extra beds. But the hospital has additional patients who are MDR TB culture positive who need to be admitted.The patients in the general TB word have threatened physical harm to any MDR TB patients admitted to their word. So what should be done with these MDR TB patients?
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