Physical Abuse in Children (Non-Accidental Injury Syndrome) Part 1: The clinical examination

  • Prof Gert Saayman University of Pretoria
Keywords: Non-Accidental Injury Syndrome, Battered Baby Syndrome, Shaken baby syndrome, Child abuse


Child abuse is a major social and medical problem worldwide,with South Africa being no exception. The syndrome is difficult to define, but the important elements include the repetitive and non-accidental nature of such abuse, usually induced or brought about by an adult in a position of authority over the child. Adult perpetrators come from all social, professional and race groupings. Accurate prediction of abuse is difficult in any given instance, although retrospective identification of individual and social risk factors are helpful in establishing the diagnosis.

Author Biography

Prof Gert Saayman, University of Pretoria
MBChB, MMed(Med Forens) Head: Dept of Forensic Medicine, Chief Specialist Forensic Pathology Service