Alcohol misuse in patients attending a defence force general medical clinic

  • D Bekker University of Stellenbosch
  • DP van Velden University of Stellenbosch
Keywords: alcohol misuse, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification(AUDIT), general medical practice, defence force, prevelance


Alcohol misuse may come to be recognized as one of the most significant public health concerns facing South Africa over the next few years. This is a direct result of alcohol's impact on the health services, the economy, and the South African society as a whole. Alcohol misuse is common world-wide and in South Africa there is an estimated prevalence of 10% of alcohol dependence in the adult population. However, relatively few studies have been published on drinking patterns in South Africa. With regards to adults, epidemiological studies in recent years have also focussed almost entirely on the black and coloured population while they are not the only groups who have high levels of risky drinking.

Author Biographies

D Bekker, University of Stellenbosch
MBChB, MFamMed Dept of Family Medicine
DP van Velden, University of Stellenbosch
MBChB, MPraxMed Dept of Family Medicine
Original Research