Quality use of medicines: The vomitting child

  • Andy Gray University of Natal
  • Lehloboholo Mathibe University of Natal


The challenge of rational medicines use in the children is compounded by the presence in the clinical relationship of the parent - often anxious, concerned about the welfare of the child, facing many competing demands (such as a need to avoid spending many hours away from work) and thus frequently demanding of medicines that will deliver quick symptomatic relief. This should be a familiar scenario for any family physician that has treated a child with acute gastroenteritis, with associated vomiting. While demands for anti-diarrhoeal agents, such as loperamide, are perhaps easier to deflect, demands for something that will stop the vomiting are less easily handled.

Author Biographies

Andy Gray, University of Natal
MSc(Pharm), FPS Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine
Lehloboholo Mathibe, University of Natal
Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine