Disease patterns in the medical wards of a rural South African hospital

  • NO Ndjeka Warmbath Hospital, Limpopo Province
  • Prof. Gboyega A Ogunbanjo Medunsa
Keywords: disease patterns, medical wards, rural, hospital, South Africa


A retrospective record review was done to determine disease patterns of patients admitted in the medical wards of St. Rita's Hospital, in rural Limpopo Province of South Africa. Hypertension dominated the disease pattern followed by pulmonary tuberculosis, gastro-enteritus, pneumonia and ashtma. The findings of this study suggest that diseases prominent in the affluent urban population affect patients seen at this rural hospital.

Author Biographies

NO Ndjeka, Warmbath Hospital, Limpopo Province
MD, DHSM (Wits)
Prof. Gboyega A Ogunbanjo, Medunsa
MBBS, MFGP (SA), M Fam Med, FACRRM, FACTM Dept. of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care
Original Research