From the editor's desk: Striking Doctors

  • Pierre JT De Villiers Editor - SA Family Practice


We are indeed living in interesting times! True to the meaning of this often quoted Chinese curse, “may you live in interesting times”, interesting times usually has an ominous tone in South Africa. Just as we finished a peaceful general election in the country we were hit by the very unusual and upsetting news of an impending strike by doctors in Mpumalanga in April 2009. Strikes are certainly nothing new in our labour union dominated country, but doctors striking? This very soon had everyone’s attention, including the government, the Health Professions Council (HPCSA) and a very belated South African Medical Association (SAMA).

Author Biography

Pierre JT De Villiers, Editor - SA Family Practice
MB, ChB, DOM, HonsBSc, MFamMed, PhD (Stell) Part-time professor Stelenbosch University