An approach to the patient with a post-nasal drip and rhinosinusitis

  • Darlene Elizabeth Lubbe ENT Department, Groote Schuur Hospital
Keywords: post-nasal drip, chronic cough, rhinosinusitis


Post-nasal drip (PND) can be a bothersome symptom and one of the main reasons for patients visiting a general practitioner (GP), pulmonologist or ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon. It can be either a symptom, sometimes not appreciated by the examining practitioner, or an important clinical sign suggesting rhinosinusitis. This article aims to explain the aetiological factors and initial work-up of the patient with a PND and rhinosinusitis and suggest a treatment paradigm for practitioners.

Author Biography

Darlene Elizabeth Lubbe, ENT Department, Groote Schuur Hospital
MBChB, FCORL(SA) Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist Division of Otorhinolaryngology Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town