New beginnings

  • Pierre JT De Villiers SAFPJ


This will be my last editorial as the academic head of the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care at Stellenbosch University. At the end of February 2009 I will be saying farewell to a great team of colleagues, students and administrative staff at my long time alma mater. Like Julius Caesar of ancient Rome, I know that this “crossing of the Rubicon” is a point of no return and it will hold inevitable consequences both for me and my old department. But I also remember how Caesar was slaughtered at the hands of his friends and colleagues on the senate floor, because he presumably wanted to be king and did not have the foresight to step down in time. He should have followed the example of Naas Botha who retired from rugby when he was on top of his game. Like Naas Botha I have decided that the best time to get out is whilst people still want you there.

Author Biography

Pierre JT De Villiers, SAFPJ
Editor-in-chief SAFPJ