Healthy Lifestyle Interventions in General Practice. Part 3: Lifestyle and Chronic Respiratory Disease
Chronic respiratory diseases, in particular COPD, can be classified as a part of the chronic diseases of lifestyle. A lifestyle intervention program is therefore an essential component of the non-pharmacological management of COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases. The main indication for referral to a lifestyle intervention program is any symptomatic patient with either COPD or any other chronic respiratory disease, and who also has limited functional capacity. Following a comprehensive initial assessment, patients are recommended to attend either a group-based program (medically supervised or medically directed, depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of any co-morbidities) or a home-based intervention program. The main elements of the intervention program are smoking cessation, exercise training (minimum of 3 times per week), education, psychosocial support and nutritional support. Regular monitoring should be conducted during training sessions, and a follow-up assessment is indicated after 2-3 months to assess progress and to re-set goals. Longer-term (5-6 months) intervention programs are associated with better long-term outcomes.
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