Basic Principles in the Management of Thermal Injuries

  • J S Karpelowsky University of Cape Town
  • Heinz Rode University of Cape Town
Keywords: thermal injuries, burns


Although this article focuses predominantly on the management of paediatric burns, many of the principles and management protocols are universal and can be used for adults. Burns are defined as the coagulate destruction of tissue by thermal, chemical or electrical injury. This simplistic definition does, however, fail to incorporate the significant short- and long-term sequelae of these injuries, and the devastating social, functional and cosmetic consequences resulting from burn wounds.

Author Biographies

J S Karpelowsky, University of Cape Town
FCS (SA), Cert Paed Surg (SA) Department of Paediatric Surgery
Heinz Rode, University of Cape Town
FCS (SA) M Med (Chirg), FRCS (Edin) Department of Paediatric Surgery